2009년 8월 12일 수요일

Tracking in Education

First of all I agree with tacking in high school system. I never have experienced about tracking in my K-12. Education policy in Korea that it pursues the equality opportunity in education. Even if I graduate private school, there is any difference between private school and public school. We go to high school as lottery system. Basically we can’t go to high school where we want to go. So between the students in my class, there are a lot of academic level differences. For instance, one of my friends he got 2nd prize from world math competition, however he had to take same class with everyone in the school. Teacher has to follow the policy of department of education. They can’t teach outside of range in textbook. This one side education makes teacher lose their passion for their teaching. Also students don’t pay attention in class include myself, they already learn from private tutor. Because public education lost its faith from people.
I know we pursue equality in education, however I believe propel level studying depends on their academic status is more effective way. Everyone has their own dream and achieving those dreams has their own way to get.

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