2009년 8월 12일 수요일

Study Abroad

I am a native of South Korea which is where I completed my primary and secondary education. Therefore, sometime it is hard to understand the current issues which occur in high school. Even though I went schools as different culture, there exist some common problems wherever you are involved with. Last Thursday I could see lot’s of issues that people think them serious. The issue that I really want to deal with is the lack of teacher attention. I believe this is the common issue in all ages and countries.
The stem is from interesting. People tend to do more effectively to what they are interested with. We took lots of classes which we don’t really like to learn. My favorite courses have always been physics and mathematics because I found them to be fascinating. So I decided to study Engineering major. I was really pleased with taking physics and mathematics classes in my school days. However, my worst part in studying was writing. It was a nightmare that I am taking some literature classes in high school. I used to sleep in the class and even pay attention anything with my literature teacher. I went so far as to absent some classes. Some people claim the subjects which you hate to deal with are also important because of it comes from education for the whole man. I understand what they want to insist, however I have some different opinions. People who want to be a musician, they don’t really need to chemistry for their career. The mathematics is useless for painter.
Most of people in this class have own major in university. Apparently there will be existed someone who are interested with your major in high school. Why don’t we go to high school near the Berkeley and discuss with them for assisting. Although it won’t be perfect, at least we could answer their some questions and sharing specific stories with them.

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