2009년 7월 24일 금요일

Education in Technology

Education in Technology

The internet calls people to come to class. The internet has being widely spread from late of 90s, we could see our life is going to more comfortable. This comfortable technology has been coming over to education field. Online class is one of the best examples of technology as education. Time stressed people fed up with commuting costs are already choosing online education.
Universities are also trying to make online classes more engaging by moving beyond simple reading homeworks and videotaped or live lectures. Also there are plenty of classes available on online in CAL. Some of my friends are taking online class of CAL in
I also had take online class in last summer. Most of online courses have good quality that compared with offline courses Although some of them are not, price of online classes is much less than offline. . Even online classes can waste precious time if the students don’t learn. As years goes by, the number of user is getting rapidly increased.
Technology is making online classes more engaging and more rigorous.

댓글 1개:

  1. I took a US history class through online class back in community college a few years back and I found it pretty efficient. The subject didn't require much interaction with the teacher. I don't think taking some courses like Math/Science over online courses would be though.
