2009년 7월 12일 일요일

Power as writting

The Word about “Literacy as Power”

I would like to discussed about the power of literacy (writing, article) infects in these days. In Sylvia Scribner’s article “Literacy in Three Metaphors”, she contends her metaphor as “Literacy as Power”. Sylvia Scribner discusses about “literacy as power” compare with circumstance in social, economics and community. Between literacy and group or community advancement, she defined the ability of literacy how affects as measurement of wealth. In the last she suggested limit of the metaphor, due to difficulty to define social and political structure. I believe this author wrote this article in 1908s that still in cold war. She suggested some examples from the communist state. I will define the literacy for writing or articles not as ability for writing and reading. As time goes by, social and political circumstances have been changing rapidly, the power and role of literacy in the 21st century will be different with it in 80s. We discussed about computer society in class. In these days, a small piece of writing in the internet space will be countless affects in society. In the last winter, Korean police arrested a blogger who post some scripts on internet name as Minerva by outflow of false information. During the crisis of economics that starts in last fall, he wrote some of his foresights and opinions about the stock market. He insights correctly about Lehman Brothers and Merrill Lynch. People starts believe him as high educated man who was working for huge investment bank. This uneducated man’s article was even affects to price of stock market. Korean securities law forbids spreading false reports or rumors to influence share prices in the stock market. I don’t know his arrest is right or not. I am focused on the power of small writhing. Before the online world, we select the article based on who wrote this, who graduated where and where this guy works for. Unspecified article by unnamed people affected the billions of dollars moving in stock market. The literacy as power moves from the some selected people to public who hide their faces on the screen.

댓글 2개:

  1. I wonder if his postings would have had so much influence if people had known that he was just an uneducated, jobless man.

  2. It's really cool how you brought in stories and facts from your own culture and related it to our readings!
